
马帮资讯 2016-03-16 19:05 10 评论 综合评分:


建议:在店铺授权的时候,原来帐号在哪一台机器上操作的【操作帐号后台,比如上架产品等】,那么就在原来的机器上访问Mabang3.0的系统,进行授权操作!例如A店铺一直是在1号电脑上操作后台上产品的,B店铺一直是在2号电脑上操作后台上产品的【不同网络下的两台电脑】,那么在系统中授权A店铺 时,一定要在1号电脑上进行授权绑定,授权B店铺 时,一定要在2号电脑上进行授权绑定!绑定授权之后,随意在哪台电脑上操作系统中的订单,消息等都可以,因为是在ERP系统中进行的操作,不涉及到帐号后台!


3 条相关评论

  • 2014-02-03 10:30 刘晓波

    This version was released especially for boxed layout type. By just adding class "boxed-layout" to the body it will turn Neon to boxed mode. When you purchase neon, you will get Boxed layout files separately from the full width files.

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    • 2014-02-02 08:30 Mr.jonas

      This type of page provides UI for the commenting system in back-end. It has search, pagination, filter and edit comment form in modal. See the comments dashboard here.

      回复 (2)
      • Right Sidebar 2014-02-02 08:30

        By just adding right-sidebar class to page-container element you can align sidebar menu to right side. It is also supported on pages with both menus and also in collapsed mode. See how it looks!

      • 匿名游客 2014-02-02 08:30


    • 2014-02-03 10:30 匿名游客


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